
Wednesday 2 May 2018

These Are What Raupotaka Students Are 👍

Ruapotaka Students Are....

1.  Fair to one another and agree to disagree in any situation.

2. Caring people who are there for you.

3. Honest to teachers and other students.

4. Cheerful and share happiness to others at all times.

5. Respectful and polite to all teachers and other students.

These are the key values that Ruapotaka students hold.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

A Terrifying Storm Hits Auckland!!!

Yesterday Auckland got hit by a very big storm. The storm hit around eight o'clock at night. This morning power lines and trees were broken down and roads were blocked off. The storm was very powerful and it made peoples power go out. When it hit I was very scared and I heard unusal sounds.